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Natural Wood Reindeer > $12 Reindeer
$12 Reindeer
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Price: $12.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: rr12

This unique reindeer are made using hand cut natural wood for the body, holly branches for the legs and antlers and a pinecone fron for the tail. We added a rope hanger so he can be included in your ornament collection.

5.5" high X 2.0 long X 1' wide.

Each reindeer is handmade and uniquely different. Your reindeer will be slightly different. (size of body, height of antlers etc.)


Each of these accents are 'one of a kind' and subject to availability.                                                                                                

 Please contact us for details on availability @ 678-924-1700 or email us



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